Imagine an app that creates perfectly balanced meals with all the right nutrients for optimum health and delivers not only on-demand but also absolutely free. Utopian dream, right?
Not exactly, for such a system already exists–in breast milk. But why do so many reject this biological treasure in favor of a bottle?
Drug addiction and certain infectious diseases are valid reasons. Others including ignorance are not.
Here is a quick recap of breastfeeding benefits:
For baby:
- Reduced mortality. Frequently, unclean water is added to formulas which can lead to diarrhea and even death
- Increased immunity thanks to probiotics and other nutrients
- Easier digestion
- Reduced diabetes and obesity later in life
- Improved attachment to mother
For mother:
- Contraception (not foolproof, of course so must use other protection too)
- Weight loss (body needs 200-500 extra calories per day)
- Increased protection against some cancers
- Reduced anxiety
- Decreased costs
Society and the planet also benefit: Cheaper costs to low-income mothers, fewer trips to the doctor and a lot less trash from formula packages and bottles.
Read this thesis on breastfeeding for some up-to-date studies on benefits.
And spread the word:
Breast is best.