Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are sugar molecules found only in breast milk—not in formula and certainly not in milk from other animals. A newborn can’t digest HMOs. However, certain species in his microbiome can and in the process change the composition of said microbiome. Because of this effect, researchers are looking at HMOs to see if […]
Microbiome Environment
Breastfeeding Impacts Microbes in Late Infancy
Breast is best when feeding infants. Experts agree that with its curated blend of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and a trove of other nutritional factors, human milk far surpasses formula in many aspects. For starters, it’s free. And easy and available. Breast fed babies achieve better weights and are less prone to allergies and […]
Green Tea Works with Microbes to Detox
Green tea comes steeped in endorsements from nutritionists. This power beverage is known to help prevent chronic diseases including cancer, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. The secret appears to lie in its polyphenols; epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) dominates. Exactly how this particular polyphenol operates to avert diseases is largely unknown. Polyphenols scavenge toxins One idea: Toxic reactive cellular metabolites, such as […]
Probiotics Show Promise in Alzheimer's Disease
A popular gift this holiday was a genetic testing kit. Priced reasonably and readily available without a prescription online and in stores, the DNA tests focus on ancestry and health. You may be delighted to discover a few ancestors hailed from Africa. On the other hand, you may find out your dad is not that man […]
Gut Walls May Be Leaky in Fibromyalgia
Pain has a purpose. It tells us to pay attention: to remove a hand from fire, rest a sore leg or seek medical attention. But sometimes pain can be fake news. Pain can be the brain misreading signals, as in fibromyalgia. This common disorder is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain along with fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. […]
Childhood Obesity: New Study on Microbes
Our children are getting fatter. Too much food and not enough exercise are the chief culprits for this global epidemic. Among other contributors, the microbiome is under suspicion. Studies done mostly in animals but also some humans suggest why the microbiome is involved. Microbes: mechanisms of action in obesity Increasing energy harvest Changing host metabolism […]