Holiday feasts. We love them: creamy casseroles, massive portions of meats and gooey desserts. When the fat and sugar-laden foods demand digestion however, the stomach isn’t always a fan .
Rather than abstain entirely or suffer physical backlash, do a little planning.
If you are the host, do your guests a favor and lighten it up with probiotic-rich foods. They may not notice except the scale won’t budge the day after.
For instance:
- Substitute whole milk yogurt instead of sour cream or cream in dips, sauces, pies and casseroles.
- Steam vegetables in lieu of casseroles. Top with lemon yogurt sauce.
- Add kimchi to the appetizer table
- Serve fermented cheeses along with a vegetable plate to serve as prebiotics.
- Use buttermilk in place of whole milk in recipes.
- Ditch the fatty pie crust and present the fillings as puddings or trifles laced with sweet yogurt and nuts.
- Bake or grill sweet potatoes with olive oil and thyme. Save the marshmallows for dessert.
When you’re the guest:
- Try a spoonful of everything; you don’t want to insult the cook.
- Casseroles are a big mystery. Play it safe and assume that loads of butter, cheese or cream is inside.
- Fill your plate with the lower-calorie items: salads, fruits, fish. Some of the vegetables will be good sources of prebiotics to feed your microbe colonies.
Bon appetit!