Breast cancer is all too common. One in eight women who lives to age 85 years will develop breast cancer over the course of a lifetime. Much is known about breast cancer prevention and treatment. Science has produced advanced drugs and therapies that can lead to better outcomes. And changes in diet and lifestyle are related […]
A Look at Dysbiosis in Lung Cancer
When healthy, lungs make breathing look easy. Behind the scenes, the vital exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide runs along 1500 miles of alveoli, a microscopic metro that runs on perfect time. But lungs can be derailed by many diseases and disorders: pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, cancer as well as […]
Pancreatic Cancer: Possible Role for Probiotics
Pancreatic cancer is a killer. In spite of advances in garnering its mechanism, the same cannot be said for treating this most fatal of cancers. Researchers are looking to the microbiome. Changes in diet, infection or lifestyle may disturb the normal symbiotic karma between host and the microbiota leading to cancer in the pancreas. As […]