Vice President, Sales
Katie Lecker joined the industry in 2007 as a Biochemist at BIO-CAT. From the early days in the lab, she learned skills and quality control processes that are not only required but imperative to our industry. She used this knowledge to continue her career in sales and now leads the BIO-CAT and BIO-CAT Microbials sales team. She has advanced her education with multiple executive education courses including UVA’s Darden Business School in Strategic Sales Management as well as an accelerated management program at Yale’s School of Management. In 2019, she was the first woman to join BIO-CAT’s executive team.
When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family and her Boxer dog, Beatrice! She also has recently been active in fundraising for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, in 2023 she was elected as an honoree for our local Virginia chapter and was awarded the highest fundraiser ever for our chapter at the annual Brewer’s Ball that was held in Charlottesville, VA in October 2023.