- Education & Communication
- Support IPA’s fundamental and yearly objectives by recommending, developing and leading the education and communication strategy
- Initiate projects and initiatives that raise awareness, visibility and knowledge of probiotics among key stakeholders
- Reinforce IPA’s role as a representative of the responsible probiotic industry
- Increase demand for high quality probiotic products
- Manufacturing Committee
- Help advance probiotic manufacturing standards within the probiotic industry
- Nominating Committee
- Survey the Corporation’s Industry/Associate Members for persons interested in becoming candidates for the Board of Directors
- Strive for balanced representation of candidates by Industry (i.e. food, nutritional, supplement, etc.) and function (i.e. marketing, manufacturing, research, sales, etc.)
- Regulatory Affairs Committee
- Help advance probiotic science with regulators by advocating on behalf of consumers and the probiotics industry
- Facilitate communications between industry members and regulatory bodies
- Represent the industry with regulators on issues of interest/concern
- Scientific Committee
- Help in making IPA the recognized trade association for the probiotics industry by providing it with a sound scientific basis
- Technical Committee
- Help advance probiotic manufacturing technologies and standards within the probiotic sector by advocating on behalf of consumers and the probiotics industry,
- Facilitate communication between industry members and regulatory bodies, and representing the industry on issues of interest/concern