As eager as one may be to greet a newborn, an early arrival is never good. Preterm birth (PTB) — when an infant is born before 37 weeks of gestation — is a serious problem across the globe. With an estimated 15 million cases annually, spontaneous preterm birth (SPTB) is the leading cause of death […]
Low Carbohydrate Diet: Do Microbes Lose?
Restricting carbohydrates is a perennial favorite among dieters. Going without sugary beverages and desserts is surely a positive move. Then again stringent followers also eliminate most fruits, vegetables and whole grains, foods which are rich in nutrients. How this diet plays out on the gut microbiota is another concern, given the outsize influence our microbes […]
Microbes and the Paleo Diet
The trendy Paleo diet is far from new. The diet is based on foods eaten during the Paleolithic era, dating from 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago. A Paleo diet typically includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds — foods obtained through hunting and gathering. It limits dairy products, legumes and grains, foods […]
Is the Key to Happiness in Our Microbes?
Imagine if microbes could make you smile. Plenty of new research suggests that unhappiness, at least in the guise of depression and anxiety, may stem from the gut-brain axis and what transpires along the route. A new paper describes the many challenges inherent in the intricate science and suggests a way forward. Gregor Reid of Lawson Health […]
Childhood Obesity: New Study on Microbes
Our children are getting fatter. Too much food and not enough exercise are the chief culprits for this global epidemic. Among other contributors, the microbiome is under suspicion. Studies done mostly in animals but also some humans suggest why the microbiome is involved. Microbes: mechanisms of action in obesity Increasing energy harvest Changing host metabolism […]
As Fatty Liver Spreads, Probiotics Enter the Fray
With obesity off the charts, big pharma is racing to bring new drugs to market. Many of the newbie medications tackle the metabolic downsides of obesity: glucose intolerance, high cholesterol and fatty liver. While drugs may be somewhat effective, they can be costly (especially in the United States) and all come with some unhealthy side […]