Once a consumer or practitioner decides which probiotic strain may benefit a specific health target, they must choose from a vast array of formats such as pills, capsules, powders, gummies, suppositories and liquids. Note: Fermented foods and beverages such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, and kombucha are more difficult to assess quantitatively as a probiotic for […]
Clinical Corner
Probiotic Supplements: What is an Adequate Dosage?
In the past decade, probiotic supplement dosages have rocketed from millions to billions of CFUs, with some boasting as many as 200 billion. While more may be better when it comes to love and money, this is not necessarily —but can be — the case with probiotics. CFUs or colony forming units: a unit of […]
Probiotic Supplements: Single-strain or multi-strain?
The current marketplace is flush with multi-strain probiotic formulations. At first glance, the rationale for these types of products is compelling: more strains may hit more targets and maybe even add up to more than the sum of the single-strain parts. But is there any evidence that this notion is valid? In 2018, Dr. Arthur […]
New horizons for the microbiome-gut-brain axis; a focus on Parkinson’s disease
by Richard Day Medical Director / ADM Protexin Today, a simple PubMed search for “gut-brain axis” will return over 1,800 different peer-reviewed scientific papers. The gut-brain axis – this is the bi-directional communication system that links these two organs, via a number of neuronal, hormonal and immune pathways – is particularly interesting as it holds […]
Probiotics May Reduce Tolerance to Morphine
By acting directly on the central nervous system, morphine blocks the worst kinds of pain. Its cousins in the opioid family include heroin and OxyContin which have spawned an epidemic of addiction, overdoses and deaths in the United States in the last several decades. Backstory: Morphine was first isolated in the early 19th century […]
IPA Raises Concerns about Flaws and Press Sensationalism of Recent Negative Probiotic Research
CONTACT: George Paraskevakos Executive Director, International Probiotics Association (514) 571-5949 george@internationalprobiotics.org For Immediate Release IPA Raises Concerns about Flaws and Press Sensationalism of Recent Negative Probiotic Research Los Angeles–September 13, 2018–Study flaws and press sensationalism are causing unwarranted consumer confusion about function and efficacy of probiotics, according to experts and representatives from the […]