Pancreatic cancer is a killer. In spite of advances in garnering its mechanism, the same cannot be said for treating this most fatal of cancers. Researchers are looking to the microbiome. Changes in diet, infection or lifestyle may disturb the normal symbiotic karma between host and the microbiota leading to cancer in the pancreas. As […]
Market Trends
In Old Age, Our Altered Microbiomes Can Lead to Disease
The aging microbiome bumps into challenges its younger self may not have: chronic diseases, exposure to group living, multiple medications and changes in dentition and swallowing that disrupt diet. Yale Medical School Professor Vincent Quagliarello, MD discussed the vagaries of the microbiome in older adults recently at the Harvard Probiotics Symposium. There are “a myriad […]
Venture Capital Moves into the Microbiome
Money is rolling into microbiome companies. “This year, microbiome investment has surged again despite a decline in overall venture funding. The $616.9 million raised for microbiome companies to date so far in 2016 is more than all of the venture investment in the microbiome space in 2011 through 2015 combined,” according to a Wall street […]
Colic Relieved by Multi-strain Probiotics
We can all rest more easily: new research from Italy points to some success with multi-strain probiotics in colic. Remember, colic does not go quietly into that good night. IPA has reported in the past about probiotics for colic: Colic Soothed by Probiotics is most recent. Lactobacillus reuteri has often been the species of investigation in […]
Prebiotics Aid Elderly, Michelle Alfa PhD tells IPA
Age can savage a healthy microbiome. Medications, eating problems and chronic diseases can kill off colonies leading to dysbiosis. Probiotics can help. Unfortunately, older people and those who care for them may steer clear of adding probiotic supplements to the often long list of treatments already taken. Prebiotics or the non-digestible starches which feed […]
IPA Goes to DC: 13 Factoids Shared by Nutraingredients
Missed the IPA workshop in Washington, DC? No worries. Stephen Daniells recapped the event: 13 things we learned from the IPA’s DC Workshop appears on Nutraingredients website and includes our well-travelled executive director George Paraskevakos. Daniells reports: “From market sizing to the positions from FDA and FTC on NDIs and claims substantiation, the International Probiotic Association’s DC workshop succeeded […]