As a new year begins, resolutions to shed the added weight from holiday feasting are de rigeur. New avenues of accomplishing those goals are growing. Obesity and Aging For example, much research points to the gut microbiota as a key element in metabolic disorders such as obesity. Statistics on obesity rates are dismal: obesity is […]
Search Results for: thermophilus
Yogurt Streamlines Holiday Sweets
Yogurt is tangy, creamy and delicious. Why then do we think of it for breakfast and maybe a quick snack but rarely for dessert? It’s time to change that narrow read and serve up some healthy probiotic sweets. Yogurt is produced using a culture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria. Probiotics will […]
Vegan Alternatives to Yogurt: So Simple to Make at Home
If you want to taste a new yogurt every single day of the year, your supermarket can meet the challenge. Most of this abundance is of the cow’s milk variety. If you prefer a vegan option—for health or personal reasons—yogurt alternatives made from soy milk are available but a bit harder to find. Note that labelling […]
Probiotic Use in HIV
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is not going away. Tragically, 39 million are dead from the virus, reports the World Health Organization. Another 35 million people continue to live with HIV. The cases are all over the map but not in equal numbers. Sub-Saharan Africa and other struggling nations suffer with a steady flow of […]
Probiotics Panel to Meet Again
Probiotics are working hard to make the leap from lab bench to patient bedside. But the science behind probiotic application, while thrilling, is still new enough that clinicians are cautious in their recommendations. Enter Martin Floch who leads the convocation of probiotic experts who meet every few years to write recommendations regarding probiotic use in […]
Peanut Butter With a Probiotic Twist
Diarrhea kills as many a million children yearly. Food and water borne pathogens are the primary culprits. Many children will recover but when they are already malnourished or immunocompromised as is true in many developing countries, severe illness and even death can follow. Probiotics are being looked at to shore up the immune systems in such situations. […]